Jekyll Rendering
Now that you have a fully operational blogging station, you'll
need to decide what kind of rendering you want to use. Jekyll
comes with some sweet stock rendering using Maruku. If you want somthing more
sophisticated, that will cost you another gem
. For example,
Garry Welding prefers the rdiscount
gem which
can be easily installed via:
gem install rdiscount
If you get a complaint about permissions or needing to be root, you may want to review my last post how to install ruby and gems for Jekyll.
Then to enable RDiscount, head on over to your _config.yml
file and set the
markdown: rdiscount
Personally, I'd rather have the option to use LaTex, pronounced, say it with
me now Lay-Tek. Maruku has the ability to render LaTex to PNG files using
and dvips
. Of course, dvips
must be on your path. To install
on your Ubuntu machine with something like version 11ish or greater
all one has to do is:
sudo apt-get install blahtexml
I didn't notice the ml on the end and wound up getting set up for an old version of the blahtexml
from an Ubuntu PPA. Totally unessecary, but only cost me a few minutes.
But, if you go with Maruku, then your posts may not be rendered as HTML5 complaint. So it looks like I need another path to LaTex rendering...
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I'm an electrical engineer that's bent on solving problems and technical computing. Some of my technical
interests are, in no particular order, Matlab/Octave, Simulink/RealTimeWorkshop, C, R, Java, Python, PERL,
Microcontrollers,, Digital/Analog Signal Processing, Control Algorithm design, and
Quantitative Finance.